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Product code: GDT-JPOT-BFBG

Buffalo Bungee Jackpot


If you're looking for a food treat toy for a large dog, you've come to the right place! Like our other "Jackpot" toys, the Buffalo Bungee Jackpot features a food pouch with velcro closure strips. The pouch is 7" x 3" and is made of super tough buffalo hide. This provides double the enticement for your dog, as it can smell and taste both the buffalo hide and the treat inside.

To top it off, the Buffalo Bungee Jackpot features our bungee handle, which reduces shock during rough play for both your hand and arm and for the dog's teeth and mouth. The overall toy including the bungee handle (without stretching) is about 20" long.

New! Add SOUND!
Add sound stimulation to any of our Jackpot or Tug N Treat toys by inserting our "TNT Squeaky" (sold separately). 

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